Stolen from Jane at Dear Author:
(bold those that apply)
. . .You have emailed or mailed a gushing letter of praise to an author. (Not me — but I’m too shy to do that. )
. . .You belong to and participate in discussion at an author’s website or listserv.
. . .You have voted in a contest as the behest of an author.
. . .You have rearranged an author’s books at a store to give her greater visual exposure. (RFG) (All the time. Especially when they have, like, ten copies and none are fronted. Dammit.)
. . .You have given “conversion” packages of an authors’ works to another reader.
. . .You have written fan fiction based upon an author’s works. (No, but I’ve wanted to.)
. . .You have given a 5 star review at just to counter negative ratings. (RFG)
. . .You have named yourself after a favorite chacter, such as Mrs. Wolf MacKenzie. (RFG)
. . .You see an author’s book at the store but refuse to buy it because it could hurt the author’s bestseller numbers or you buy it and go back and buy a second copy on the release date. (RFG)
. . .You know the street date of an author’s books and what it means.
. . .You have reported a store for violating a street date. (RFG)
. . .You have pretended to be more than one person commenting on someone’s blog in defense of your favorite author. (RFG)